Thursday, January 16, 2014

New year... New beginnings

What a year 2013 was!! Not that it was a total negative experience but it has definitely taught a few life lessons  and to only make me stronger as a person.
Just having had a birthday - 24 years young! I am one year wiser and this is what I have learnt:

1. Not everything is always going to go your way but making the best out of every situation is the key to happiness.
2. The people who truly want to be in your life will bust through any walls and any previous problems you may be having no matter what, if not and your at your last tether of trying they are not worth your time.
3. Don't wish to grow up too soon - there is a whole life ahead and with recent events on the news and what I see others going through (have you seen the news lately?? It really makes you take a step back and reassess your attitude on life!!) there is no rush.

So my goals for this year is:
1. Focus on myself for once and find what makes me truly happy....
2. Stay fit and healthy - continuing my Isa journey I am feeling a million bucks and my motivation is through the roof!!
3. New car
4. Travel to India in April - this is booked!!! Wooooo
5. Start saving for my own apartment - weeeeeeee - I understand this May be contradicting myself with the whole growing up too quick.... But I'm back living with my parents hahah I think I am ready for my own small place!

What are your dreams and aspirations for 2014??
Here are some quick snaps we took today of my outfit of the day!

Top: op shop find / shorts: Princess Polly / shoes: Tony Morrissey